The focus of our research is on the Romanian banking sector, analysing if, over the period 2002 \r\nto 2009, foreign banks have been more efficient than their domestic peers, as foreign banks can \r\nbenefit from the experience and superior know-how of their parent banks and thus achieve a \r\nsuperior organisation and management process. To reach this aim, we have used the Data \r\nEnvelopment Analysis approach, estimating the cost, allocative, technical, pure technical and \r\nscale efficiencies; and afterwards we have conducted also a series of parametric and nonparametric tests in order to establish if foreign and domestic banks are coming from the same \r\npopulation. The results of the paper underline the fact that in the Romanian banking market, \r\nforeign banks are truly more efficient than the domestic ones for being able to better use their \r\nadvantages and obtain a higher productivity of their inputs. Moreover, during the researched \r\nperiod the efficiency of the banking sector has not been improved, mainly as a consequence of \r\nthe financial crisis.